Third Party Vendors:
Third party vendors, including Google, show our ads on sites on the internet.
Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website.
Users may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page. (Alternatively you can opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page.)
Personal information is recorded information about an identifiable individual.
UTKDS collects, uses and discloses personal information only for the purpose of typing divorce documents. The information collected is required information by the Courts in each Province to be inserted into divorce documents. Additional information, such as payment and additional contact information, is collected strictly for the purpose of carrying out the requested services. Below is an exhaustive list of the personal information that UTKDS may collect, use, and/or disclose. Not all of the following information will be collected with each application but only as is required:
Applicant Information:
First and Last Name
Mailing address
Phone numbers
Fax number
Email address
At what telephone numbers are we able to leave messages
With whom are we able to discuss your divorce
To whom and by what method should your divorce documents be sent to you
Method by which you heard about UTKDS
Information About the Marriage:
Place of marriage
Date of marriage
Name of marriage officiator and witnesses
Date the parties began residing together
Date and place of separation
Attempts at reconciliation- if yes- date cohabitation recommenced and for how long
Information on Previous Cases and/or Agreements:
Previous court cases- description and date the proceeding began
Court jurisdiction that heard proceeding and name of Judge
Written agreements and court orders pertaining to the marriage
Date of orders and written agreements
Agreements regarding spousal support
Information About Both Spouses:
Full legal name of each spouse
Names also known as (aliases) for each spouse
Civic address for each spouse
Mailing address for each spouse
Phone numbers for each spouse
Date of birth for each spouse
Place of birth for each spouse
Last name a before marriage for each spouse
Last name at birth for each spouse
Occupation for each spouse
Marital status before marriage for each spouse
Place and date of previous divorces for each spouse
If a legal name change has occurred for each spouse
If a divorce certificate is required for each spouse
If a marriage certificate is required for each spouse
Name and addresses of employers for each spouse
Gross annual income and total annual taxable Income on Last tax returns (lines 150 and/or 26- of latest tax return) for each spouse
Information About the Children:
Full legal name of each child of the marriage
Date of birth of each child of the marriage
Custody arrangements for each child of the marriage
Access arrangements for each child of the marriage
Which spouse each child resides with
Who has medical coverage for each child of the marriage
Who has dental coverage for each child of the marriage
Amount of child support paid and by whom for each child of the marriage
Arrears of support for each child of the marriage
Type of Divorce:
Joint or sole divorce
Registry location
Divorce Details (for Divorce Certificates):
Year of divorce
Court file number
Court file location
Payment Information:
Method of payment (Cheque, Money Order or Type of Credit Card)
Card number
Security code
Expiry date
Name of cardholder
Signature of Card holder
To make inquires, make a request for access or file complaints please contact our office at:
Tel: 1-866-788-7510
Fax: 1-866-239-7495
78-622 Front Street
Nelson, BC
V1L 4B7
At any time if you are not satisfied with UTKDS’ response, you may contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia at:
Tel: 250-387-5629
PO Box 9038. Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, BC
V8W 9A4